Time Change Sunday

We had a great message from Dr. Juan Quintanilla today on "I Believe in Jesus Christ..."  Juan's understanding of Jesus as servant was truly touching, as he relived his journey toward his own acceptance of his personal mission of discipleship as one of servanthood.

I was truly impressed to see how many of our members were present on the Sunday we all basically hate: time change when we lose an hour of time by "springing forward" one hour.  You have to get to church an hour earlier, and we all are sleepy.  For me, it takes about two weeks for my body to get used to the time change.

It was a great service, even though we were all a bit sleepy.

Next Sunday, I'll be preaching on "I Believe in the Holy Spirit."  We'll talk about spirits, ghosts, and The Holy Spirit.  I'll introduce you to my Grandmother's love of ghosts and ghost stories.  We'll talk about rabbit's feet, buckeyes, and other good luck charms from my childhood.  I'll ask you to share some of the good luck charms from your background, also.

Hope to see you all next Sunday.



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I believe in Jesus Christ