We have a Bible Study on Tuesdays at 2 pm. Our attendees are both Anglo and Hispanic, and we read and study in both languages. Today we had a marvelous study, with discussion and study on Jesus' demand that a young man follow him instead of going to bury his father. I ended up having to get The Interprester's Bible out to try and find out the meaning of the scripture. It was a most enjoyable study.
I believe in Jesus Christ
Next Sunday we will hear a message on our belief in Jesus Christ. Dr. Juan Quintanilla will be preaching for us. To prepare for his message, I would love for us all to begin thinking of exactly why we believe in Christ, and also, what we believe about Jesus. Lent is a time for reflection. We are using this Lenten season to talk about what we believe. We began this Sunday with the words: "We believe in God the Father..." Next Sunday, we examine the words: "We believe in Jesus Christ, his Son, our Lord... God made flesh in a person for all humanity, God made flesh in an age for all the ages, God made flesh in one culture for all cultures, ...