Midnight musings
Midnight ramblings...
A tune plays soft inside my mind,
About a man who's lost just about everything,
And doesn't know where to turn.
He feels like he's a blind man
Wandering down a strange road,
And somebody's taken his cane,
So he shuffles along so scared.
We all feel like blind men
At some time in our lives...
Just like we've lost everything
And lost our way as well...
And we wonder about our purpose
About where the next step's going,
We forget about the man
Walking silent by our side.
But I take comfort just in knowing
That there's one who walks beside me
Along the dusty roads of life,
There to catch me when I fall.
Always there to pick me up
When I'm too tired to stand,
Always there to love me
When there's nothing left to love.
4/2/11 CR