Summer Ministries

Summer is here, and our ministries for the summer are accelerating rapidly. Today we had nearly 100 at lunch where we feed children, youth, and adults. This program is a real challenge and a blessing. It is a great thing to watch little ones have a nutritious meal and know that your church is the reason they do so. It is a blessing to watch whole families sit down to eat, knowing that your church is the reason they can eat. Just as Jesus fed the multitudes, The Church today has an increasing need to "Feed the Sheep." We're doing just that.

Our kids from the After School Program will enjoy activities all summer, with programs to help them enjoy the summer, and programs to help them keep their academic edge during the vacation season. And, yes, I will be helping kids make their own cherry bombs with black power they make themselves. Living dangerously, that's part of what we do here at Douglas Street UMC.

We have a number of family events this summer, to include our first church-wide overnight camping event for families. Take a look at the summer calendar and catch the enthusiasm. Of course, no summer at Douglas Street would be complete without the annual pilgrimage to Amicolola Falls State Park. The Green Bus will be packed!

The food bank is bustling as families in need call Patricia Landinez to schedule pickups. This is a great ministry, and we're proud to expand our programs which help feed God's children.

Take a look at the church calendar, and come and join us for a great summer of exciting spiritual challenges as well as events just for family enjoyment. It's great to be The Church. That's what we do...that's who we are: The Church of Jesus Christ lived out daily in the midst of our community in Cartersville, GA.

Curtis Rivers


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