Thanksgiving is upon us, and, I have a great deal for which to be thankful. A loving wife. A wonderful daughter. A whole bunch of other ancillary kids, Alex, my son in the Air Force, Suphanni, my Thai daughter, Jessy/Jing, my Chinese daughter, Veronica, my Mexican daughter, and a host of kids with whom we work each day and whom we love.
On Thanksgiving day we will have the ability to gather with our family and eat a sumptuous meal together. We will recall our blessings...and we are blessed.
Millions are not! Millions go hungry. Millions don't have jobs. Millions have no roof over their heads. Even more poignant, millions are without hope.
All this could be avoided if we simply worked together for the common good. One of the great sadnesses of our world is that we don't do that. I am sure our Heavenly Father weeps at our inability to unite for good.
What can I do? More! The problem is that you and I are single people and can only do so much. But, together, we can do twice as much as one.
The challenge this Thanksgiving season is to try and do our best for those about us...and to try and encourage one other person to become involved with others.
It is the Christian thing to do.
Curtis Rivers


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